Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's Your Coupon's Life

Have you ever wondered what happens to a coupon once you hand it over to the cashier at your favorite store?

Maybe you have had a cashier tell you that it is "wrong" for you to be getting stuff for free. Cashiers also seem to enjoy blaming couponers for the perceived woes of their stores. (ie. "My store is loosing money because of couponers like you.")

Or maybe you have simply had well meaning friends, family, or even strangers tell you that using too many coupons will put stores out of business.

So what does happen to that coupon once it leaves your hand? ? ?

A while back, Jenny over at SouthernSavers put together a great article on just that. Please check out what she had to say and prepare to be well educated on the lifecycle of the coupon.

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