Thursday, March 31, 2011

25 Organic Seed Packets for $4.99

Let me start out by saying that I'm very excited about this offer. Earlier this year I wrote a POST where I talked about my love of gardening and heirloom veggies. I even mentioned (okay - pictured) Seeds of Change in my post.

(Click on the picture to view the seed cataloge)

Now, Seeds Of Change is giving away 100 million seeds; you just have to pay shipping!

Individuals will be sent 25 packets of seeds (approx. $75 value). Shipping and handling = $4.99
Organizations will be sent 100 packets of seeds (approx. $300 value).  Shipping and handling = $14.99

Seeds will arrive in two to six weeks.

NOTE: The food site belonging to Seeds of Change can be found HERE.
The gardening site belonging to Seeds of Change can be found HERE.


  1. They're out of seeds.....they went through their million in 2 days!!! Wow!

  2. 100 million . . . that's a lot of seeds!
